Vince Gironda was one of the greatest trainers in bodybuilding history. ConVINCEd is an encyclopedia of Vince’s true natural bodybuilding methods. Daryl Conant has put together a comprehensive book that features all that he learned from Vince. Topics covered include nutrition, training theory, as well as 235 of Vince’s exercises.
ConVINCEd is a must-have for anyone interested in true natural bodybuilding and keeping alive the methods and memory of Vince Gironda.
ConVINCEd Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Understanding The Methodology
- Section 1: Training
- The Wild Physique
- Sets and Reps
- When to Change the Stimulus
- Vince’s Training Style
- Genetics
- Steroids
- A Well-Defined Tapered Physique: “Creating The Illusion”
- Bio-individuality Dictates
- Knowledge is Power
- The 85% Rule
- Breathing Correctly
- Training with a Purpose
- Overloading the Muscle
- Reduce the Load
- Exercise Combining
- Exercise Duration
- Body Types
- Muscle Fiber Distribution
- The Upside and Downside of Muscle Fiber Types
- Bone Frame Development
- Focus on What Works; Forget about What Doesn’t
- The Mental Advantage
- Music
- Best Time of Day to Train
- Section 2: Nutrition
- Nutrition is MOST Important
- The Maintenance Diet
- The Hormone Precursor Diet
- The Weight Gaining Diet
- The Lacto-Vegetarian Diet
- The Maximum Definition Diet
- One of The Greatest Nutritional Myths of all Time:
- Section 3: Longevity
- Weight Training Over 40
- Stick to What Works
- Concentration
- Hold The Contraction
- Emotional Balance
- Train in a Zen-like State
- Improve Upon Your Weaknesses
- Achieving Goals
- Muscle Pain: When to Stop
- Muscle Soreness
- Don’t Let Go
- Drinking Water
- Correcting Wrongful Thinking
- Section 4: Building Muscle
- The Key to Developing Muscle
- Bring the Tendons Together: Multi-joint
- Positive Mental Attitude
- Vascularity
- Angiogenesis
- There are Many Ways to Build Muscle
- Specialization
- Progressive Overload
- Unlock Your Primal Neuromuscular Genetic Coding
- The Body Was Not Designed to Sit Around All Day
- The Initiator of Steroid Hormone Synthesis
- Ensuring Proper Cytosolic Cholesterol to Sustain Steroid Hormone Synthesis
- The Two Stages of Anabolic Steroid Hormone Production
Chapter 2: Understanding The Methodology
- My Personalized Programs From Vince
- The Progressive Resistance System
- The 3×8 Program
- The 5×5 Program
- The 6×6 Program
- One and a Half Rep Routine
- Program One
- Program Two
- Program Three
- Compound Sets
- Program One
- Program Two
- Program Three
- Supersets
- Program One
- Program Two
- Flushing Sets
- The Famous 10-8-6-15 Routine
- Program 1
- Program 2
- Program 3
- Unique Flushing Set Program
- The Famous 10-8-6-15 Routine
- Burns (Burn Sets)
- Program One
- Program Two
- Tri-Pump System
- Program One
- Program Two
- Program Three
- High Reps
- Program One
- Program Two
- Program Three
- Program Four
- Program Five
- Low Reps
- 5×5
- Program One
- Program Two
- Program Three
- 6×6
- Program One
- Program Two
- Program Three
- Program Four
- Program Five
- Program Six
- 5×5
- Specialization Programs High Volume
- 10×10 High Volume
- Program One
- Program Two
- Program Three
- Program Four
- Program Five
- Program Six
- 10×10 High Volume
- Specialization Program
- Definition Programs Contest Preparation
- The Maximum Definition Program
- Definition Program 8×8
- Program One
- Program Two
- Program Three
- Program Four
- Program Five
- Definition Program 15×4
- Program One
- Push-Pull Routine
- Program One
- Program Two
- Program Three
- Speed Workouts
- Program One
- Program Two
- Program Three
- Program Four
- Program Five
- Up and Down The Rack
- Program One
- Program Two
- Program Three
- Down the Rack
- Program One
- Program Two
- Program Three
- Tempo Training
- Program One
- Program Two
- Forced Reps and Creative Cheating
- Program One
- Program Two
- Muscle Shocking Routines
- Program One
- Program Two
- Program Three
- Program Four
- Program Five
- Program Six
- Program Seven
- Program Eight
- Program Nine
- Program Ten
- Circuit Training
- Program One
- Program Two
- Program Three
- Program Four
- Program Five
- Program Six
- Program Seven
- Program Eight
- Program Nine
- Program Ten
- The Progressive Resistance System
Chapter 3: The Validity of Vince’s Methods
- Exercise Research
- The Parallel Bar Dip “The Gironda Dip”
- The Lateral Raise
- The Neck Press vs. Standard Chest Press
- Sissy Squat vs. Barbell Back Squats
- Body Drag Curl vs. Standard Barbell Curl
- The Kneeling Tricep Extension
- Standard Shoulder Press
- Pull Ups
- Frog Sit Ups
- Seated Lateral Raise: Head Down vs. Head Up
- Deadlift
- Theories Investigated
- Abdominal Training Decreases Bicep Girth
- Abdominal Work Increases Size of Waist
- Listening to Music Causes Poor Muscle Gains
- Nutritional Research
- Cholesterol and Exercise
- The Egg Controversy
- The Milk Controversy
- Desiccated Liver
- Digestive Enzymes
- Milk and Egg Protein Powder
- High Protein
- Colon Cleansing
Chapter 4: The Truth of Natural Bodybuilding: My Story
- Forging a Connection to Something Beyond the Norm
- Re-igniting the Flame
- The Story Continues
- The “Holy Grail” of Bodybuilding is Found
- Proving Vince’s Methods are Valid
- The Hall of Fame Induction
- Labor Day September, 5th 2016: Vince’s Induction
- An Unexpected Gift
- The Saga Continues
- Vince’s Gym Museum
Chapter 5: Bonus Material: Ron’s Corner
- The Infinite Argument:
- Is man a vegetarian? Or is man a meat-eater?
- Top of The Mountain
- The Final Installment: Why I loved Vince Gironda
- Fat Burners: Lipotropics and Your Body
- Encapsulated Free Form Singular Amino Acids
- Chelated Organic Minerals: with Selenium and Trace Minerals
- The Danger Zone: EXCESS- the American Way
Chapter 6: The Vince Gironda Exercise Library
- ¼ Sit up with Plate
- Ab Planche
- Ab Vacuum
- Alternating Twisting ½ Sit Up
- Alternating Twisting Half-Sit Up on Decline Bench
- Barbell ¼ Roll Up
- Bent-Knee Leg Raises
- Concemetric Double Ups
- Decline 1/2 Sit Up
- Decline Bench Ab Planche
- Floor Half Sit Up
- Frog Sit Up
- Heels on Bench Abdominal Roll Up
- Hip Roll
- Incline 1/4 Sit ups
- Incline Hip Roll
- Incline Leg Raise
- Knee to elbow Raise
- Mini Trampoline Crunches
- Pull Up Bar Hip Rolls
- Roman Chair Crunch
- Roman Chair Twist
- Side Bend with Dumbbell
- Stiff Leg Raise
- Table Crunch
- Twisting Crunches
- Fencer’s Lunge
- Pulley Leg Squeeze
- Alternating Front and Back Pull-downs
- Alternating Long Pulley Row with Strap
- Dip Bar Pull Up on Original Dip Bar
- Dip Stand Pull Ups
- Dumbbell Pullover (hips come up larry scott style)
- End of Bar Pull Ups
- Forty-five Degree Pulley Row Push Down
- Head on Bench Barbell Row
- Head on Bench Dumbbell Row
- High Bench Laterals
- High Bench Row (Barbell)
- High Bench Row (Dumbbell)
- High Bench Row 3 Positions
- High Pulley Row with Straight Bar
- High Pulley Row with V-Bar Handle
- Hyperextensions
- Kneeling Dumbbell Bench Row
- Lat Pulldown
- Long Low Pulley Row with Row Handle
- Low Pulley Row with Racing Dive Handle
- Long Pulley Row with Strap
- Low Short Pulley Row with Original Low Cable Row machine
- Low Pulley Row with V-Bar
- Medium Grip Chin Ups
- Mid Range 45 Degree Pulley Row with Row Handle
- Mid Range 45 Degree Pulley Row with Strap
- Mid Range 45 Degree Pulley Row with V-bar
- Negative Chins
- One Arm Dumbbell Row
- Overhead Leaning Concave Pull-down
- Overhead Pull-Down (medium grip)
- Overhead Pull-Down wide grip)
- Prone Belly Row
- Racing-Dive Pulley Row
- Reeves Alternate Row
- Ring Pull Ups
- Scapula Retraction Pull Down
- Scapula Rotations
- Seated Terries Short Pull with Racing Dive Handle
- Seated Terries Short Pull (tug of war position) with Strap
- Seventy Degree Barbell Bent-over Row
- Short Low Cable Row
- Sternum Chin Ups
- Triangle Bar Behind the Head Pull Down
- Triangle Bar Lat Pull Down Medium grip
- Triangle Bar Lat Pull Wide Grip
- V-Handle Pull Ups
- Wide Grip Chin Ups
- Wide Overhead Alternating Chin Ups
- Barbell Body Drag Curl
- Cephalic Vein Incline Bicep Curl
- End of Bench Concentration Curl
- High Bench Supine Dumbbell Alternating Curl
- High Bench Supine Dumbbell Curl
- Incline Bench Alternating Dumbbell Curl
- Incline Bench Dumbbell Curl
- Leaning Against Pole Alternating Dumbbell Bicep Curl
- Leaning Against Pole Dumbbell Bicep Curl
- Ninety-Degree Barbell Bent-over Curl
- Overhead Behind Head Bicep Pull-down
- Preacher Bench Barbell Close Grip Bicep Curl
- Preacher Bench Barbell Curl (High Position)
- Preacher Bench Barbell Curl (low Position)
- Preacher Bench Dumbbell Curl (high position)
- Preacher Bench Medium Grip Curl
- Preacher Bench Wide Grip Barbell Curl
- Pro Curl “the Perfect Curl”
- Pull Up Bar Narrow Grip Bicep Pull Ups (negatives)
- Reverse Incline Bench Barbell Curl
- Reverse Preacher Bench Barbell Curl
- Reverse Preacher Bench Dumbbell Curl
- Reverse Preacher Bench Partial Peaking Curl
- Seated Dumbbell Alternating Curl
- Seated Dumbbell Curl (both hands)
- Spider Bench Barbell Partial Peaking Curl)
- Spider Bench Curl (barbell)
- Spider Bench Curl (dumbbell)
- Spider Bench (dumbbell) Peaking Curl
- Standing Alternate Dumbbell Curl
- Standing Dumbbell Curl
- Standing Incline Bench Alternating Dumbbell Curl
- Standing Incline Bench Dumbbell Curl (both arms together)
- Three-Part Seated Dumbbell Curl (triple compound)
- Three-Part Seated Incline Dumbbell Curl (triple compound)
- Three-Part Standing Barbell Curl (triple compound)
- Alternate Weighted Heel Raise
- Donkey Calf Raise
- Heavy Walk Off (Alternating Heel Raise)
- Howorth Toe Raise
- Leg Press Toe Press
- Reeves Leg Press Toe Raise
- Reverse Hack Slide Heel Raise
- Reverse Hack Slide Walk Offs
- Seated Calf (Heel) Raise
- Standing Calf (Heel) Raise
- Standing Calf (Heel) Raise on Original Hack Machine
- Barbell Neck Press
- Barbell Incline Neck Press
- Barbell Straight Arm Pullover
- Barbell Straight Arm Pullover and Press
- Cable Crossover (three positions)
- Decline Barbell Neck Press
- Decline Half Lateral with Forward Scoop
- Decline Lateral Flye
- Decline Neck Press Barbell
- Decreased Fulcrum Push Up
- Dumbbell Pullover Hips Up
- Flat Bench Barbell Medium Grip Chest Press
- Flat Bench Barbell Wide Grip Chest Press
- Flat Bench Dumbbell Chest Press
- Flat Bench Dumbbell Flye
- Gironda Dip ( 32 inch Wide Parallel Dip)Larry Scott Style
- Gironda dip (32 inch Wide Parallel Dip) Vince’s Style
- Heavy Decline Pulley Hugs (Decline Floor Cable Pull)
- Incline (35 degrees) Dumbbell Lateral Flye
- Incline (35 degrees)Dumbbell Press
- Inverted Ring Flye
- Modified Lateral Flye
- Shallow Incline Dumbbell Press (Larry Scott Style)
- Smith Machine Decline Neck Press
- Smith Machine Incline Neck Press
- Smith Machine Neck Press
- Alternating Dumbbell Front Raise
- Alternating Dumbbell Front Raise (Vertical Position)
- Alternating Dumbbell Press
- Alternating Smith Machine Front and Back Press
- Behind the Back Dumbbell Lateral Raise
- Bent-over Posterior Dumbbell Raise (90 Degree Laterals)
- Bent-over Pulley Raise
- Cable Deltoid Raise (Kneeling)
- Cable Deltoid Front Raise
- Clean and Press
- Dumbbell Circles (Lateral and Front)
- Dumbbell Press and Negative Lateral
- Dumbbell Shoulder Press
- Dumbbell Side Swings (Zorros)
- Heavy Lateral Raise
- High Bench Lateral
- High Pull
- Kneeling Pulley Lateral Raise
- Larry Scott’s Single Laterals (Heavy)
- Moon Bench Laterals
- Overhead Press (military)
- Scott Press
- Seated Bent-over 90 Degree Posterior Raise
- Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raise
- Seventy-degree Dumbbell Lateral Raise
- Side Lying Lateral Dumbbell Raise
- Standing Incline Bench Alternating Lateral Raise (Palms Up)
- Standing Incline Bench Lateral Raise
- Standing Incline Bench Lateral (palms up) Raise
- Standing Incline Bench Posterior Raise ( “Window Bench”)
- Standing Lateral Raise
- Standing One Arm Cable Lateral Raise
- Upright Row (barbell)
- Upright Row (dumbbell
- Decline Bench Barbell Wrist Curl
- Decline Bench Dumbbell Wrist Curl
- Hammer Curl (Alternate Thumbs-up Curl
- Hammer Curl (Both Hands)
- Off Knee Bench Wrist Curl
- Off Knees Reverse Barbell Wrist Curl
- Preacher Bench Diametric Bar Reverse Curl (3/5ths movement)
- Reverse Body Drag Curl
- Reverse Body Drag Curl (tri-set)
- Squatting Wrist Curl (Hips Elevated)
- Underhand Barbell Wrist Curl (off bench)
- Zottman Curl
- Dumbbell Hamstring Curl
- Hack Slide Leg Bicep Thrust
- Hack Slide Leg Bicep Thrust (Larry Scott Style on Original Hack Slide
- Prone Push Up Leg Curl (high position)
- Prone Push Up Leg Curl (Low position)
- 2×4 Smith Machine Squat (Dellinger Squat)
- 2×4 Smith Machine Squat 1 and1/2 rep
- Bar on Thighs Squat (heels elevated on 2×4) back straight
- Dellinger Squat (Barbell)
- Forty Five Degree Hack Slide Heels Together
- Forty Five Degree Hack Slide on the Original Machine
- Forty Five Degree Hack Slide (Knees Together)
- Forty Five Degree Hack Slide (Knees Together) on Original Machine
- Frog Squat (barbell )
- Frog Squat (Smith Machine)
- Front Squat on Smith Machine
- Inverted Leg Press
- Jefferson Squat
- Metabolic Squats
- Power Leg Extension
- Reeves Hack Squat
- Roman Chair Squat
- Sissy Squat
- Sissy Squat on Smith Machine
- Wide Plie Leg Press
- Serratus Dips Completed
- Barbell Rollover and Press
- Close Grip Tricep Press (barbell)
- Close Grip Tricep Press on Smith Machine angled-70 degrees
- Diametric Bar Squat Rack Tricep Extension
- Dumbbell Mule Kickback
- Elbows-in Pushdown with Angle Bar
- Elbows-in Pushdown with Straight Bar
- Elbows Wide Pushdown
- Kneeling Long Pull Tricep Extension (rope)
- Kneeling Long Pull Tricep Overhead Extension on Original Tricep Cradle
- Kneeling Long Pull Tricep Overhead Extension with Angle Handle
- Kneeling Tricep Pushdown With Angle Handle
- Kneeling Tricep Pushdown Wrist Flexed with Triangle Bar
- Lunging Overhead s Rope Pull
- Lunging Overhead Strap Pull
- Lying Supine Dumbbell Curl
- Lying Supine Tricep Barbell Pullover
- Lying Supine Tricep Extension with Diametric Bar on Low Bench
- Narrow Grip Neck Press
- One Arm Dumbbell Tricep Extension (Larry Scott Style)
- Overhead Tricep Extension on Incline Bench
- Peak Out Reverse Parallel Dips on Free Stand Dip Bar
- Peak Out Reverse Parallel Dips on Gironda Dip Bar
- Pulley Power Pushdown
- Pulley Power Pushdown with Angle Handle
- Reverse Bench Push Ups
- Reverse Bench Push Ups on Tricep Dip Stand
- Seated Tricep Machine
- Supine Barbell Curl (Lying Tricep Extension)
- Triangle Bar Pressdown
- Tricep Barbell Triple Compound