Extreme Muscle Soreness

Everyday I see people rolling around on foam rollers, and tennis balls trying to reduce the tightness and soreness of the mu
scle tissue. Also, I am confronted with many folks who complain of chronic muscle soreness.
There are many factors that contribute to muscle soreness. Some reasons are medical in nature and are more complex to solve, but for the most part if a person is not suffering from a medical illness, or has a genetic disposition, muscle soreness could be the result of the following; overtraining, nutritional deficiency.
Problem 1:
Athletes who overtrain destroy a hi
gh concentration of tissue and do not recover adequately enough to restore the tissue for the next exercise bout. They end up in a chronic state of inflammation and neural dulling. They resort to rolling to help break up the myofascial in hopes to resolve the issue. Unfortunately, rolling can sometimes make matters worse, or only temporary relieve the trigger point, but the tissue is still under a weakened state and should be completely rested. Tissue that is sore to the touch should not be worked again until the pain resides.
Problem 2:
Another issue that causes muscle soreness is nutritional deficiency. There is usually a mineral imbalance in the tissue that
distorts the electrolyte balance. Poor nutrition will prolong muscle soreness. Magnesium and maganese are essential minerals for the function and restoration of muscle tissue.
Problem 3:
Chronic emotional stress will promote chronic muscle soreness. Under constant mental stress oxygen saturation is reduced, blood vessels constrict, and cortisol levels increase. Chronic emotional stress depletes the body of vitamins, minerals, protein, and glucose, resulting in muscle wasting. Muscle wa
sting produces soreness.
Problem 4:
Poor posture will promote muscle sorene
ss. Sitting all day or looking down at a computer all day reduces oxygen flow and proper extensibility of muscle tissue. Muscle imbalances and distortion patterns develop with poor posture, resulting in chronic pain syndrome.
Using strategies to help reduce these 4 problems will help resolve chronic muscle tissue pain.
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