Benefits of Cardiovascular Endurance Training part II

continued from 2/22/13

6. An increase in the number of functional capillaries. These smaller vessels allow for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the blood and the cells. As more vessels open up, a greater amount of gas exchange can take place, thereby decreasing the onset of fatigue during prolonged exercise. This increase in capillaries also speeds up the rate at which wast products of cell metabolism can be removed. Increased capillarization is also seen in the heart, which enhances the oxygen delivery capacity to the heart muscle itself. 

7. A decrease in recovery time. Trained individuals enjoy a faster recovery time following exercise. A fit system is able to restore at a greater speed any internal equilbrium disrupted during exercise.

8. A decrease in blood pressure and blood lipids. A regular aerobic exercise program will cause a reduction in blood pressure and fats such as cholesterol and trigycerides, all of which have been linked to the formatin of atherosclerotic plaque, which obstructs the arteries. This reduction decreases the risk of coronary heart disease. High blood pressure is also a leading risk factor for strokes. 

9. An increase in fat-burning enzymes. The role of these enzymes is significant, because fat can be lost only by burning it in muscle. As th concentration of the enzymes increases, so does the ability to burn fat.

Daryl Conant, M.Ed