The wellness continuum is the integration of all realms of health and fitness; mental, social, emotional, spiritual and physical, that expands ones potential to live and work effectively and to make a significant contribution to society. Wellness reflects how one feels (a sense of well being) about life as well as one’s ability to function effectively. Wellness, as opposed to illness (a negative), is sometimes described as the positive component of good health.
To truly reach the higher levels of awareness as a human being it is essential that all the components of wellness are equally developed. If one or two of the components is developed neglecting the others then the continuum is at risk of failing.
PHYSICAL REALM ( Associated with risk factors)
• Musculare Endurance: The ability to exert repetitive muscular contractions over a sustained period of time.
• Muscular Strength: The ability to exert a single exertion against a maximal resistance.
Poor muscular strength and muscular endurance can influence the risk of musculoskeletal dysfunction or degenerative diseases
• Flexibility: The range of motion available in a joint. Poor flexibility can influence the risk of developing musculoskeletal dysfunction.
• Cardio-respiratory Fitness: The ability of the heart, blood vessels, blood and respiratory system to supply fuel especially oxygen to the muscles and the ability of the muscles to utilize fuel to allow sustained exercise. Unfit individuals can experience shortness of breath from light exertion (walking up a flight of stairs) or lack the ability to sustain light activity for a long period of time. Often a deconditioned cardio-respiratory system can influence the onset of diseases that can affect the heart and lung system. Heart disease is the number on killer in America. Heart disease is known as the “silent-killer” because a heart attack usually comes suddenly like a theif in the night without much warning, and the early signs are often ignored by the individual.
• Body Composition: The relative percentage of muscle, fat bone and other tissues or which the body is composed. A high percentage of fat (a risk factor) increases the risk of developing early onset cardio-respiratory disease(s).
* SECONDARY REALM (Not associated with risk factors)
• Agility: The rapidly and accurately change in the direction of the movement of the entire body in space.
• Balance: Maintaining equilibrium while stationary or while moving.
• Power: The ability to transfer energy into force at a fast rate.
• Reaction Time: The time elasped between stimulation and the beginning or reaction to that stimulation
• Speed: The ability to perform a movement in a short period of time.
Daryl Conant, M.Ed